Discovery and Wonder. Life-size Bronze Children Portrait

Set 2 of 2. A Companion Statue To “Exploring Nature”

Sisters and Sisters 2 are companion children’s bronze portraits or four real life girls. Their family wanted life-size bronze monuments of the four girls strategically posed around an elaborate yard of ponds and streams.

The two bronze statue compositions were custom made to be easily positioned and placed for the best view from the house.

The theme of the monuments is discovery and wonder. Each of the girl’s personality shines through as they discover something new, share it with another and wonder at the beauty and complexity of nature. It is easy to the see the sister’s love and bond one with the other.Portrait likenesses of the four sisters can be easily recognized from the distance. Each statue has a pose and character that looks just like the girl it’s depicting.

Bronze statue is the best choice for an outdoor display. Bronze does not rust or corrode. These private commission bronze portrait statues are located in Racine, Wisconsin.

custom life-size bronze portrait sculpture of children by Lena Toritch

Bronze Children Portrait Statue Set 2

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