Ken Hubbs Bronze Portrait Bust

Desktop Size Custom Bronze Trophy

The Ken Hubbs Bronze Portrait Bust by Lena Toritch is a sculpture given each year to deserving young people. Ken Hubbs was a star Major League Baseball Player who had a short but stellar career. He was an amazing player but it was his kindness and compassion off the field that made him an icon. Hubs played for the Chicago cubs in the early 1960’s before dying in a plane crash in 1964 as the age of 22. He was the player who went out of his way to sign autographs and visit sick kids in the hospital.

Lena Toritch was commissioned by the Ken Hubbs Foundation to create a custom bronze trophy, a desk top size bronze sculpture, that each year is awarded to top high school athletes. The award — this custom bronze statue portrait of Ken Hubbs – is given to students based on athletic and academic achievement as well as involvement in the community.

Ken Hubbs Custom Bronze Portrait Sculpture Bust Trophy by Lena Toritch

Ken Hubbs Foundation

Learn about the yearly winners of this award.
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